Posted in Baby Swimming Benefits, Baby Swimming Video, Backstroke Swimming, Swimming Benefits

Smartfish Method Grade 11 Breaststroke – Synchronizing the Arm Recovery With the Kick

In SFM Grade 10, we teach a more segmented type Breaststroke where the arms complete the pull cycle into a streamlined position. Then the swimmer does the breaststroke kick, ending in a three count glide.

In SFM Grade 11, we teach them to synchronize the recovery of the arms with the push back part of the breaststroke kick, ending in a streamlined glide, before beginning the cycle of Pull-Breathe-Kick-Glide again.

– This is a fun way to teach the student to begin sychronizing the stroke.
TODAY WAS ANGUS’S LAST LESSON AT WATERSAFE SWIM SCHOOL. He is moving to Boston. Angus… I (Ginny) am really going to miss you. You’re a great kid – I wish you great success.

LONG MAY YOU SWIM! Keep in touch!